Saturday, July 11, 2009

5 Bee Stings

Emma was playing ball with Harley a couple weeks ago and when she threw the ball it landed in the bushes. Harley being the stupid dog she is just stood there not knowing where the ball went. Emma went in the bushes to retrieve the ball and came out saying she had ticks on her. They weren't ticks she had put her had on top of a bee nest when trying to get the ball. I saw a bee on her head and flipped it off then she began to scream and hold tight to her finger. I ran her inside and thought we were safe tell she started screaming again I lifted her shirt and a bee flew out. She had been stung 4 times on her back. Poor girl her finger begun to swell and kept telling me that she was growing. But luck for her she was able to go to the doctor this girl loves the doctor.

Our Hero(Kyle) got rid of the bee nest the next day and didn't get stung once. One day we will be able the enjoy the back yard.

1 comment:

Mandi Allen said...

Poor little girl. I am glad she is alright