Monday, May 26, 2008

My 4 week Check Up

I had my 4 week check up and Emma came with. She always lays on the table with me because I am afraid of what her curious hands will find. Emma loves to listen to Lu Lu's heart but never wants the doctor to touch her stomach with the Doppler. Oh, by the way, the Placenta has not moved and the doctor is not feeling very hopeful for the possibility of a vaginal birth. Will update on that matter later.


jensenfam4 said...

4 weeks? In like you are 4 weeks along? I could've sworn that you were further along than that?? You look great by the way! LOL..

kristy said...

Lindy, how are you doing? Are you on full bed rest now? I'm sorry you have placenta previa. Keep us updated when you have the chance.

Felecia Moeaki said...

Hey Lindy:
How's the pregnancy coming? Hope you're doing well. Your house looks amazing. Maybe Larry and I will have to come visit you guys. Hope you're doing well. Give my love to Kyle and Emma.