Saturday, March 1, 2008


For anyone that does not know, we are expecting again, due some time the middle of August. This is my reason for not posting since the middle of December. This pregnancy is much different than the last one. The migraines and morning sickness(all day sickness) is kicking me in the butt. My house looks horrible, I never cook meals, and Emma is in pajamas most days all day. The doctor gave me medicine for the migraines that is safe for the baby and I hope that the morning sickness will be letting up soon.


Kizzie said...

Yay for babies!! You get to find out what it is in the next month or so right?!
I sent you an email, but I hope you start feeling better soon!!

kristy said...

I'm sorry you're so sick!! That's such a terrible feeling. Dallin watched so much TV while I was pregnant with Abby. I hope you feel better really soon!!

jensenfam4 said...

Hope you feel better too! It's almost over ;). Then you won't even remember being sick (hopefully-LOL).

Mandi Allen said...

Don't worry about your house, it will still be there when it's over, and I betEmma loves staying in her pajams, then dressing up is fun.